Support & Advice

SUR·VI·VOR·SHIP - According to the National Cancer Institute (n.d.), "survivorship focuses on the health and well-being of a person with cancer from the time of members, friends, and caregivers are also considered part of the survivorship experience." 

Being diagnosed with Breast Cancer and going through treatment is REALLY HARD. You are filled with a mix of emotions, your mind and body are going through tons of changes, and everything is totally overwhelming.

We all have our own unique experience with Breast Cancer and process our diagnosis/treatment differently. Based on my own journey, here are some tips/strategies that may be helpful for you! Check out the Resources page for information on helpful websites and apps.

Tips/Strategies post-it

If you would like to PAIR up with Pink P.A.I.R. Project, please email

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I look forward to PAIRing up with you!!! XOXO